Monday, December 3, 2012

Week 13 : Animatic

Animatic : storyboard (static) add motion, tiny, sound etc to look nicer. It's also can called dynamic storyboard.

The Dissolving Process in Animation

Another technique in animation we learnt today is dissolve. Dissolving is a method of transitioning between scenes in live-action film and video production. Two videos overlap in the timeline; simultaneously, the lead video's opacity decreases from 100 per cent to zero, while the second video's opacity increases from zero to 100 per cent. This process is also used in animation. The dissolve can also be employed to fade objects and characters from view. There is an example of dissolve.

We also have lab activity in animation to apply several technique such as panning, zoom in, zoom out and also dissolve using black box and another one using another picture just adjust at the alpha properties. There is my lab activity :

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